What is Direct Instruction?
Direct Instruction is a teaching technique that has been proven effective through 35 years of testing and scientific research. The programs are presented following a scripted method of teaching ensuring constant interaction between the student and teacher. The lively pace of the presentation ensures students are engaged and focused throughout the entire lesson. All skills covered in the program are taught to mastery before students move on to the next level ensuring a strong foundation to build upon.
- Direct instruction is an explicit teaching technique that uses highly structured instructions to teach skills and subskills.
- Programs are presented following a scripted method of teaching using modeling, rehearsal and feedback. This allows for constant interaction between the student and teacher.
- All skills are taught, practiced and reviewed to the point of mastery.
- Direct Instruction programs encompass a variety of learning styles ( e.g., auditory, visual and tactile).
- All students are placed in the appropriate programming based on individual results from our assessments.
For more information on Direct Instruction programming and teaching techniques, please follow the link to the National Institute for Direct Instruction’s official webpage: http://www.nifdi.org/
Who is Direct Instruction Recommended for?
Direct Instruction programming is recommended for children (and adults) in the following categories:
- Students who have fallen behind in the classroom
- Learning disabilities
- Early intervention reading
- Acquired Brain Injury
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Dyslexia (DI is specifically recommended in the book ‘Overcoming Dyslexia’ by Sally Shaywitz, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics at Yale.)